Range Team
Our dedicated team is there to create a welcoming and safe environment and educate you about firearm use.
Meet GRITR Range Team
Bucky Buchanan
Range Manager
Stephen “Steve” Waschka
Range Assistant Manager
Steve, 28, is a USCCA Firearm Instructor, Range Safety Officer, certified in basic pistol and basic rifle instruction. He is also a United States Marine Corps reservist and has served 5 years as an Artillery Fire Control Specialist. These Marines are critical for defensive and offensive indirect fire missions. Steve has been with GRITR Range since September 2020. He is currently pursuing a degree in Psychology. During his free time he enjoys fishing, and spending time with friends and family.
Farthest shot made: 800 yards
Favorite handgun for rent: Beretta M9A3
Joshua Whiteurst
Firearm Instructor
Josh, 32, Is a USCCA Certified Range Safety Officer and Instructor. He is a Texas native who started his career as a firearms instructor over a decade ago. He competed with the International Defensive Pistol Association (I.D.P.A.) in 2017. After learning the ropes in competition shooting, he found a new passion for defensive shooting and security. He currently holds an LTC instructor certification and went on to attain his Level 3 armed security certification. Additionally, he owns Secure the Mind Training Group. SMTG seeks to functionally and practically train citizens, security firms, and LEO professionals on the basis of protecting oneself by sharpening our most valuable asset, our mind. Outside of work he enjoys cooking, going to the gym, and attending baseball games.
Robert “Bobby” Harris
Firearm Instructor
Bobby, 25, is a USCCA Range Safety Officer and CCHDF instructor. He was an infantryman in the Marine Corps with 1st Bn, 3rd Marines; and the 3rd Littoral Combat Task Force. He acted as a designated marksman, combat life-saver, fireteam leader, and combat marksmanship instructor. He also competed in multiple Marine Corps shooting competitions. He is currently working towards his Bachelor’s of Science in Aviation, and is a licensed airplane pilot. He aspires to become an airline pilot. He enjoys flying, weight lifting, and studying history.
Coolest gun ever shot: Carl Gustav Recoilless Rifle
Farthest shot made: 1125 meters
Favorite handgun for rent: Staccato XC
Jared Smithwick
Firearm Instructor
Jared, 27, Is a USCCA Certified Range Safety Officer and Instructor. He served 4 years in the United States Coast Guard as a Gunnersmate. In this position, he worked with everything from small arms to 76mm weapons systems. His responsibilities included training personnel in proper handling of weapons, ammunition, and pyrotechnics. During his time off he enjoys hunting, shooting, cooking, and gunsmithing.
Coolest gun ever shot: 455 Webley Revolver
Farthest shot made: 1000 yards
Favorite handgun for rent: Scorpion EVO3